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A discussion on our risk process and the documents and policies that back us up.

We provide a wide array of activities for kids and adults alike, but the one that most often raises concern for parents and individuals, is climbing. We have already spoken to certifications in the History of Dirtbag section, so here we will talk about some of the things we keep in mind in the field and the mitigation techniques we have in place.


FIrst and foremost our group sizes rarely, if ever, exceed a ratio of 1 guide to 5 kids for both indoor and outdoor programs. In addition to ratios, our venues are carefully selected to ensure constant visibility and communication, as well as the ability to closely monitor all participants, or any climbing pair and rope system. Our goal is to set up a secure environment to allow children, youth, adults and families to explore and expand in rock terrain from any experience level.


Site selection and supervision are backed up by industry standard equipment that we provide for all registrants if they cannot provide it themselves. Participants may provide their own personal gear as long as it has been inspected by a hired guide. Dirtbag Climbing Corp is stocked with plenty of rental equipment.


On top of the in field risk management, we have two insurance policies that encompass the entire range of our activities. Dirtbag Climbing Corp is covered for outdoor climbing and other guiding activities through the ACMG Liability Insurance Program offered to certified members in good standing. The company is also covered through a private, local, insurer for all summer camp and climbing gym related activities including but not limited to: the use of various sites, all games, bushcraft skills and other activities offered, as well as the indoor climbing gym operations, programs and events. 


Below are previews of the documents we require from participants prior to each activity:​

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